The little things do add up

Daily writing prompt
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?
Flowers on my balcony

Reducing, recycling, and reusing what we use on a daily basis are simple habits that help keep our environment clean. Saving water, eating a plant-based diet, being creative with what’s in the fridge and eating leftovers are what I do to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

In short, I don’t waste food, use a metal water bottle, recycle whatever I can, keep a plant-based diet, collect grey water from the kitchen sink to feed my indoor/outdoor plants, ride a bike, walk or take public transportation, be mindful of what I buy, how it’s made and what its made of.

I do what I can to conserve water. I rather have water go to my plants than down the drain. Plants in my apartment need watering at least once a week, so I collect grey water while running the water in the kitchen sink. Plants don’t need perfectly clean water. I also try to take short showers and keep the water on just while I rinse.

I have to travel to the food market almost every other day, and I go by bike or just walk. It’s one of the benefits of living in a city is having things like markets, pharmacies and almost everything I need close enough to bike to. On the way to the market, I usually have a bag full of my recyclable waste that’s been properly cleaned and identified along with me. Cardboard, glass and paper are sorted out and placed in their respectable city provided containers close to my home. This all takes a little more effort, but makes a difference in the long run.