Libya, Mali and Senegal someday :)

Daily writing prompt
What countries do you want to visit?

Recently, I have been drawn to the African continent. Simply put, there’s lots here to explore for those who are curious about cultures, geography and history. I have been drawn to the desert over the years because I currently live in a country made up of lands that have been reclaimed from underwater. It’s flat and there’s lots of water.

These are pictures of my most recent trip to the Horn of Africa (Sudan, Djibouti, and Somaliland). I’m curious to explore more of West, Central and North Africa.

The specific countries I’m currently interested in visiting are Libya (ancient Greek Roman ruins), Senegal (the coast), and Mali (UNESCO sites/Azawagh Arab cultures in the Sahara). Two out of three of these are unavailable to me due to safety concerns, but someday the conditions will be right for a visit. Until then, I’ll continue to research both online and in books.